SLAP Happy News - Page 102 Feb. 1, 2024




              Slap Happy News by Perry Campanella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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New - Mexico City Aviation & Aerospace Co. $2,000 per person 'Drop Ship' to any amnesty U.S. State - ( parachute included ) Drugs & Firearms Prohibited. Booked Solid at this time - check back soon - 'The Pilot Capt. Cookoo'          CALL: Fi Fi Fo - Fo Fi Fo Fo           

             HERE IS MY BOOK  YOU FOUND IT <<<< Click Photo.

Miss Doc: "You have a-cute-pancreatitis" Perry's reply: STOP tryin' to HIT-On-Me you are my Doctor already"

Shorten the Immigration process for people from the orient - You know orientals - Before boarding airplane - 'SPIN' one really fast till completely 'DISORIENTED' good to go U.S. ( problem solved ) 


When you approach the milk cases, you hear cows mooing, and witness the scent of fresh hay.

When you approach the egg section, you hear hens cluck…and cackle and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon,

Eggs frying. The veggie department features the smell of fresh buttered corn.

On your way out, you see an automatic water mister to keep their produce fresh…

Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of rain.

       “I’m glad don’t stay to buy toilet paper there without a nose plug”



 A Police Officer announced at a News Conference that 'Marijuana' is killing people every day. Comment in the crowd one said: Where is the evidence of that? "There isn't any" Now when someone over-heard the comment, she said: if you don't think alcohol, cigarettes and 'Marijuana' are killing people - I have a Bridge to sell you! Well the commentator than responded: "I'll buy that Bridge" But only "I'm too high-to-find-my-Wallet"

                                      On Recreational Pot

               YOUR state government will also issue licenses for retailers, transporters, processors, growers, microbusinesses, and safety compliance facilities. Municipalities will be allowed to limit the number of licensed establishments within the town limits.



Possessing more than the legal amount of pot can result in a $500 fine and forfeiture of the substance. The first two offenses will be civil infractions; after that, they're misdemeanors.

Underaged users can face a $100 fine and forfeiture of the substance for their first offense; in subsequent offenses, the maximum fine will increase to $500. Minors under the age of 18 could also face community service and four hours of drug education or counseling.

                "This is a Rough Draft of things to come"

              "Now is a good time to invest in snack foods" per-apps


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